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- Using the SELFIE PTK
- Step 5
STEP 05.
Fine plan & set evaluation means
This step will help you to depict your action plan in detail, specifying actions and identifying suitable evaluation means for your action.

What does this step involve?
Having drafted a preliminary SELFIE-based Action Plan, with a list of actions to be implemented (Step 4), you are now ready to describe each action in greater detail. In this step, you will outline when, who, what, and how each action should be implemented. For each action you need to define:
- Timeframe: When the action will be run and completed?
- Responsibility: Who will be responsible for implementing and overseeing an activity?
- Υποστηρικτικό υλικό: What resources are needed to perform the action?
- Κριτήρια επιτυχίας: What are the expected outcomes of the action?
- Παρακολούθηση και αξιολόγηση: How will progress be monitored and evaluated?
How do we perform this step?
For this step, you need to describe in greater detail each action of the SELFIE-based Action Plan. More specifically, for each action the following information needs to be provided:
- Timeframe: Specify a realistic timeframe for concluding each action. Decide when the action will start and when it must be completed. This should be a rough estimate, not a set timetable, and you should allow for some flexibility. However, planning of the implementation phase is important in case there are dependencies among some actions.
- Υποστηρικτικό υλικό: Identify the resources (i.e., personnel, equipment, services etc.) needed to carry out the activities. If they are not available, you need to consider how to acquire them. The resources could include: additional digital technologies to support teaching and learning; involving external personnel and organisations to help the school integrate digital technologies etc.
- Responsibility: Nominate of person(s) responsible for: (a) implementing the action and/or (b) assisting in this action and (c) overseeing implementation of the action. Usually, overseeing an action is a task for a member of the SELFIE PTK Coordinating team.
- Κριτήρια επιτυχίας: Establish clear and, if possible, measurable indicators of what successful outcomes or impact should be. This will allow you to monitor the activity, measure improvement, and track progress towards achieving the goals set. Well defined and possibly measurable outcomes are needed not only for monitoring an action, but more importantly to determine its success and effectiveness.
- Παρακολούθηση και αξιολόγηση: Define the tools and methods to use for examining and monitoring progress being made towards the goals of the action. Evaluation data could be both quantitative and qualitative. To collect valid and reliable data, it is recommended to use more than one source of data. Information and data may come from teachers’ perspectives emerging from interviews or questionnaires, analysis of digital learning-path or lesson plans, direct classroom observation, video-class recordings, etc. Students could also be asked to provide feedback to allow comparison between students’ and teachers’ perspective. Moreover, it is important to define how progress will be reported, how frequently, when and by whom.
Defining all the above information will give you a solid basis for implementing your school’s SELFIE-based Action Plan and allow you to follow up each individual action. Remember that the purpose of an effective action plan is not to implement as many actions as possible, but to achieve the goals that have been set. You always need to review your action plan, keeping in mind the goals and overall priorities set.
What support do we have for this step?
Tool 5.2
Template for SELFIE-based action plan
You can use the SELFIE-based action plan template for the analysis of each action described in Step 4. Template is available in printed format ( MS Word, PDF ) and through the online environment (Πλατφόρμας διαχείρισης των Προγραμμάτων του ΤΕΤ).
Tip 5.1: The 5W-2H method. Create an action plan asking yourself 7 questions.
What will be done?
Why are we doing this?
Where will it be done?
When will it be done?
Who should perform and monitor the action?
How should the action be carried out?
How much will the implementation cost (in terms of resources)?
Tip 5.2: Support from external organisations
Θα μπορούσατε να ζητήσετε συμβουλές και υποστήριξη σε όλα τα βήματα και ιδιαίτερα κατά την ανάπτυξη του σχεδίου δράσης από τις σχετικές υπηρεσίες του Υπουργείου Παιδείας της χώρας σας και/ή τις τοπικές ή περιφερειακές εκπαιδευτικές αρχές. Κάποιες χώρες, όπως η Κύπρος, παρέχουν σχετικά προγράμματα συνεχούς επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης και η συντονιστική ομάδα θα μπορούσε να λάβει συνεχή επιμόρφωση και υποστήριξη από τα προγράμματα αυτά.
- Example 5.1
- Example 5.2
- Example 5.3
Detailed analysis of action
An example of fine planning and setting evaluation means for an action is shown below. This analysis needs to be performed for all actions listed in the school’s SELFIE-based action plan.
Priority: SELFIE Areas & Items identified as requiring action |
H. Student Digital Competence H1. Safe Behaviour, H3. Responsible Behaviour. |
Goal: What do we want to achieve? |
To educate children in the creative, safe, and responsible use of the internet. | |
Activities Description: What needs to be done? |
Timeframe: When will the activity be ran and completed? | During the school year | |
Responsibility: | Coordinating team | |
Resources: |
Success Criteria: What criteria students will need to demonstrate to achieve the goal set? |
Students will be able to:
Monitor and Evaluation What tools and methods are used to monitor and assess progress made towards achieving the goal(s) of the action? |
Detailed analysis of action
An example of fine planning and setting evaluation means for an action is shown below. This analysis needs to be performed for all actions listed in the school’s SELFIE-based action plan.
Priority: SELFIE Areas & Items identified as requiring action |
C. Infrastructure and Equipment C1. Infrastructure, C3. Internet access, C13 OP. BYOD, C2. Digital devices for teaching, C8. Digital devices for learning |
Goal: What do we want to achieve? |
To support teaching and learning with digital technologies: use of mobile computing devices by teachers and students, use suitable wireless networks within schools, increase use of cloud-based tools and applications to support learning, teaching, and assessment. | |
Activities Description: What needs to be done? |
Timeframe: When will the activity be ran and completed? | During the school year | |
Responsibility: | Coordinating team | |
Resources: |
Success Criteria: What criteria students will need to demonstrate to achieve the goal set? |
Monitor and Evaluation What tools and methods are used to monitor and assess progress made towards achieving the goal(s) of the action? |
Detailed analysis of action
An example of fine planning and setting evaluation means for an action is shown below. This analysis needs to be performed for all actions listed in the school’s SELFIE-based action plan.
Priority: SELFIE Areas & Items identified as requiring action |
D. Continuing Professional Development D2. Participation in CPD, D3. Sharing experiences |
Goal: What do we want to achieve? |
To prepare and implement a training programme for improving teachers’ capacity for delivering remote teaching. | |
Activities Description: What needs to be done? |
Timeframe: When will the activity be ran and completed? | Preferably at the beginning of the school year. However, it could run throughout the school year. | |
Responsibility: | Coordinating team | |
Resources: |
Success Criteria: What criteria students will need to demonstrate to achieve the goal set? |
Teachers will be able to:
Monitor and Evaluation What tools and methods are used to monitor and assess progress made towards achieving the goal(s) of the action? |
In the last part of this video from #SELFIEPTKMOOC (see video from minute 5:00 up to end), you can find out more about how to describe each action in a greater detail.
Checklist of outcomes
When you have finished this step, you should have:
- Detailed all the information needed for implementing each action.
- Ensured you have a monitoring mechanism in place.
- Completed the design of your SELFIE-based action plan.